Bulgarian  English

Central Laboratory of Applied Physics (CLAP) - Plovdiv

Central Laboratory of Applied Physics (CLAP) - Plovdiv is an independent academic unit specializing in applied research activities with the following priorities:

- Creation of equipment, technology transfer and implementation of technology contracts in the field of nano-sized, nanocomposites and nanostructured layers and superhard coatings;

- Development and implementation of ohm contact, installation and sealing of electronic components including of MEMS and NEMS;
- Development and getting A3V5 heterostructures for application in solar cells multipass;
- Development and introduction of energy-efficient LED lighting including and a UV LED sources.


Transport Electronics 91 – OOD /PLC/

The activity of Transport Electronics 91 – OOD focused on efficient energy usage is redounded by the production of electronic room the more...
Passat Bulgaria AD (JSK)

Passat Bulgaria continues successfully the activity of Passat AD in operating with fiberglass products designed for industry and private sec more...

EUROPEAN VALUES INSTITUTE is a legal entity registered under the Law for the Non-Profit Legal Entities (LNPLE). more...